My name is Aidan Lee, and I am currently the Pro-Consul at the Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi. I chose to study abroad in Berlin, Germany, where I stayed for four months, learning about life in Europe. During my time there, I was given the opportunity to accept the Jeff Gier Scholarship, which helped me financially in Europe. With this scholarship, I was able to fully envelope myself within the cultures of Germany and Europe as a whole. This financial assistance gave me the chance to travel to many other countries, experiencing new aspects of cultures from all over the continent. This enabled me to grow more as a human, but also as a brother. I was able to learn to become more independent in life, as staying in a foreign country for months gives you the opportunity to be uncomfortable and adapting to that comfortability. I was exposed to a plethora of cultures, enabling me to be more understanding and knowledgeable of these different ways of life. I was also able to meet new friends, European and American, which further educated me on other people’s values. All these new experiences, with the help of the Jeff Gier Scholarship, made me the person that I am today. I am extremely privileged for this part of my life, and I am grateful for the assistance given to me.