In 2019, the Theta House Corporation formally decided to pursue the task of reinvigorating the Theta chapter alumni network. This network is made up of extraordinary men from different interests, geographic regions and walks of life with varying talents, temperaments and convictions. It is our sincere hope to rekindle the bonds of brotherhood across generations and across the country.
To achieve this goal, we hired a new firm, Pennington & Company, to manage our alumni outreach program and fundraising with a lot of fresh ideas. In addition, we took on a new position, Events Planner, who is in the process of organizing regional events throughout the year where our alumni are most densely populated, open to friends and family.
We recognize that since the decolonization of the chapter in 2005, many brothers have lost contact and lost faith in the chapter. Reestablishing the solidarity of the alumni network will be no easy task, but things in life that are worth doing are often not easy. If you wish to donate, get involved, obtain information on brothers, or just talk please feel free to contact us here.
In Hoc,
The Sigma Chi Theta House Corporation